ananta medicare
News of World Medicine

Excessive following the rules of personal hygiene and disinfection lead to allergy development

Allergy is becoming a widespread disease in developed countries and takes different forms, including seasonal fever, eczema, urticaria and asthma.

Allergy may be caused by a number of reasons, such as heredity, contamination of the air, consumption of transformed food products, stress, smoking, etc. However, in the opinion of Canadian immunologists of the University of Montreal, such a broad sphere of action of allergy in developed countries is conditioned by excessive following the rules of personal hygiene and disinfection. 

There is a direct relation between the level of hygiene and event of development of allergy and different autoimmune diseases, doctors say. For example, it is proved that the more sterile the medium, where the child grows, the higher the risk of allergy or immune problems in his adult life.  

It is noted that the places, where sanitary conditions stay the same, also maintain the same values of allergic and inflammatory diseases. As specialists explain, allergy and other autoimmune diseases, such as diabetes of the first type and multiple sclerosis, are the result of incorrect work of our immune system. 

Not denying the importance of hygiene for decrease of the influence of harmful bacteria, medical workers pay attention to the fact, that at the same time it limits the influence of useful microorganisms. In the result, bacterial flora of the digestive tract of a modern individual is nor as diverse as it should be. As a consequence, our organism may become liable to the development of allergy. It is clear that in order to prevent allergy, it is not worth to neglect personal hygiene and disinfection of the premises, clinicians add. To enrich intestinal flora, therapeutists recommend taking probiotics, which have a favorable action on general state.


Adopted from: EUROLAB