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News of World Medicine
The ancestors of modern people took analogs of aspirin and antibiotics

Cavemen had quite deep knowledge of medicinal plants. A genetic research has shown that they used herbal remedies for the treatment of toothache about 42000-50000 years ago. Only think about it. According to The Mirror, scientists from the University of Adelaide have examined some deposits on the teeth of Neanderthals found in caves (locations - Spa city in Belgium and El Sidron in Spain).

Air pollution reduces the effectiveness of antibiotics

According to The Times of India air pollution makes bacteria more dangerous. Specialists from the University of Leicester made this conclusion. A black carbon is one of the major air pollutants. Studies have shown that black carbon affects the growth and formation of bacterial communities.

Artificial embryo - a new reality from British scientists

Cambridge University has made a real breakthrough. The scientists for the first time in history have managed to create an artificial mouse embryo, "Remedium" reports. Now the scientists have a huge amount of data that will help to study the mechanisms of early embryonic development and some causes of spontaneous abortion.

Creators of a new sensor say that the sweat will tell everything about your health

The University of California has developed a special sensor system that is able to evaluate the changes in electrolytes and metabolites, as well as the level of heavy metals by means of a human sweat. According to Xinhua, scientists have combined innovative materials, sensor technology and integrated electronic circuits. The result was a unique product.

Scientists have found a new gene responsible for an inflammatory reaction

According to, scientists from Cardiff University have discovered a genetic variant associated with a hyperactive inflammatory response of the immune system to viruses. It is a variant of Ifitm3 gene. Previous studies have shown that the probability to catch the flu depends on Ifitm3. A certain variant of this gene increases the risk of viral infections.

New method will help to treat Alzheimer's disease

According to, scientists from Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology have created a compound capable to neutralize the beta-amyloid protein. This protein forms plaques which are typical to Alzheimer's disease.

Brain scans will help to determine the probability of drug addiction in adolescents

It is known that children gaining high scores in tests on the search for novelty are prone to drug addiction. According to Zee News, scientists from Stanford University and the University Medical Center of Hamburg-Eppendorf claim that a new test allows to evaluate the risk much more accurately.

A smear from a nose will replace complicated lung cancer diagnostic procedures

As a rule, a cancer diagnostics is an invasive and unpleasant procedure. Because of incorrectly diagnosed "cancer" in some cases, scientists are constantly looking for new methods of simple and painless diagnostics. According to Medical News Today, a new method of lung cancer detection has been developed. The authors of this method are scientists from Medical School of Boston University.

Scientists have found new mutations associated with antibiotic resistance

According to, US scientists have grown hundreds of Mycobacterium smegmatis cultures which are similar to the bacterium causing tuberculosis. Bacteria were exposed to low concentrations of antibiotics that act slowly. The scientists monitored the death of bacteria and isolated the bays with microorganisms mutated

A new remedy will help people suffering from chronic pain

Scientists from the University of Zurich have revealed that BIIB074 substance is capable to alleviate the pain in people with trigeminal neuralgia. This chronic disease is accompanied by severe pain in the maxillofacial area. Experts note that BIIB074 is better than other drugs for the disease, which often cause fatigue and concentration problems.