According to rough estimates, 30% to 40% of cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, experience neurologic disorder such as peripheral neuropathy. It is characterized by tingling, numbness, weakness and pain in the hands and feet as usual. A new drug can prevent cancer patients from this disorder, Zee News reports.

People with atrial fibrillation who take anticoagulants (drugs preventing the blood clots formation) rarely experience the dementia. This conclusion was made by scientists of the Karolinsky Institute. The scientists have analyzed the data of 444106 people from Sweden for 2006-2014. Participants had atrial fibrillation, which increases the risk of stroke.

Scientists from the University of Surrey have presented nanoparticles that can be heated to a high temperature and can destroy cancer cells. In addition, these nanoparticles independently regulate their temperature and cool down, in order to prevent the damage of healthy tissues.

The team of scientists has found why the blood enzyme dipeptidylpeptidase-4 (DPP4) concentration is increased in diabetics. Perhaps the discovery of the scientists will lead to the development of new methods of treating diabetes, Zee News reports.

A study was carried out on genetically modified mice. The scientists have revealed that the skin can affect the pressure and heart rate when the level of oxygen in the environment changes. As we know, due to lack of oxygen, the blood flow to the heart increases. This process is partially regulated by specific proteins - hypoxia induced factors (HIFs), Business Standard reports.

As we know, premature birth is dangerous for the brain. Now the level of development of the brain in infants born prematurely can be assessed by means of electroencephalography (EEG) and artificial intelligence. According to Zee News, the method was developed by scientists from the University of Helsinki.

The researchers have revealed a compound capable to destroy cancer cells without harm to healthy cells. It helps with acute myeloid leukemia (AML). However, it is likely that the compound is able to fight other types of cancer, Zee News reports.

The experiment was carried out in 1500 persons over 18 years old from Monrovia (Liberia) without a history of Ebola disease. Three groups (500 people per group) received one vaccine or a placebo (saline solution), The Deccan Chronicle reports.

Members of Researchers International Consortium Genotype-Tissue Expression have presented the results of decoding of a genome project obtained after studying 22,000 different gene structures, RSUTE reports. The findings should be used by experts to create new medicines, including anti-cancer drugs.

Scientists have revealed 76 new genes that make bacteria resistant to the most powerful antibiotics. These genes were identified in the study of large amounts of bacterial DNA, Zee News reports. As it turned out, some of the described genes protect bacteria from carbapenems - the last defense line antibiotics working against even multidrug-resistant pathogens.