The innovations implementation in the healthcare system is our new reality which, according to the recent developments, is growing very fast.
According to the University Press service the scientists from Tomsk State University (TSU) have created the man made carrier of natural intellect - the physical model which is available to self education.

“Ananta Medicare” decided to conduct charitable action “Share your smile” for children from children’s homes of Ukraine.

On 15 March 2013 in Kiev the multidisciplinary research and practice conference “Acute Kidney Injury” was held at the P.L. Shupik National Medical Academy of Post-graduate Education; it was dedicated to World Kidney Day in Ukraine.
Diet, rich with green leaf vegetables, may help women to avoid PMS, reducing manifestation of the symptoms by 40%.
The scientists from Imperial College London announced that the plaster, emitting estrogen into blood, is a relatively cheap and safe alternative to the standard treatment of prostate cancer.
British scientists have started a large-scale and expensive £8m project. A group of scientists at Aberdeen University will reach ocean's deepest bottom to investigate it. They hunt for unrevealed chemicals among underwater sea life in deep sea trenches.
CSIRO research source, the University of British Columbia and the University of Bath presented a new drug against influenza. It has been proved that it prevents the spread of different strains of influenza by using laboratory models.
Among all kinds of the deceases pancreatic cancer is the most dangerous one. It is practically impossible to diagnose this decease at early stage that complicates the treatment.