The effect of taking certain antioxidants on the risk of developing Parkinson's disease has been studied.

Scientists from the University of Montana have developed a thermostable gel for ear drops.

Rani Therapeutics has long been working on a robotic tablet designed to replace drug injections requiring frequent administration.

For the first time scientists have successfully used CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing technology to treat malignant tumors.

Scientists from America have managed to develop a promising compound - T405, which can destroy an extremely dangerous pathogen Mycobacterium abscessus, which is resistant to existing antibiotics.

On December 22, 2020, Ananta Medicare took part in the pharmaceutical scientific and practical forum "Sanitary and quarantine requirements for the work of pharmacies due to COVID-19 pandemic", which was held under the patronage of the main department of the State Food Service in the Rivne region.

Arcutis Therapeutics has successfully tested its own drug roflumilast foam in patients with the scalp and body psoriasis.

A European regulatory body will consider Merck's tepotinib for use in certain types of tumors.

The first clinical trial of Nanoform Piroxicam manuractured by the Finnish company will begin at the end of 2020.